Have a
1:1 chat with us


Are you new to EA and don’t know where to start? Or do you know EA for a while now, but feel unsure about what to do next to increase your impact?

Here’s our offer to you to have a 1:1 conversation with one of us, either on Zoom or in-person. We can discuss whatever questions around EA and your personal impact you might have. Also, we might be able to find the ideal person to talk to and make an introduction.

We know requesting a 1:1 conversation might feel unfamiliar to you. We’d like you to feel warmly invited to do it anyway. Come as you are, we’re happy to get to know you better and discuss your questions!

Your EA Berlin Team

Martin Wicke, Martin Milbradt

Book a 1:1

Only Martin Wicke and Martin Milbradt will see your request. Our discussion will remain confidential unless you wish otherwise.
We might make recommendations who else you could talk to, but we will only introduce you to other people with your consent.